Sunday 30 September 2012

LOVE................IMPOSSIBLE , IMPOSSIBLE , IMPOSSIBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I

It may be easy to donate millions, the hard earned money, for many rich people.

But , when it comes to giving love, for some, it is the only impossible thing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bad ego comes as a block before love !!!

When we feel a bit negative, we become paralysed, and this makes it IMPOSSIBLE TO GIVE LOVE !

Giving unconditional love is impossible for many..........bad ego 

plays spoilsport !!!

Saturday 29 September 2012

PATIENCE ONLY HELP US TO GROW HIGHER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Human beings have an advantage over other beings for evolving better  way. This is due to our reasoning faculty .

More over , we can use our patience as a helping tool to gather knowledge and experience, instead of trial and error basis.

Impulsiveness cause a lot of anxiety and trouble. Most of the impulsive actions lead to failures .

The accumulated failures break our confidence and both these work in vicious circle !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wise people have patience and patient people are wise.............go hand in hand and this lead, win situation.

Friday 28 September 2012


Like, 'charity begins at home',  true friendship and partnership begins at home !!

In friendship, every thing is not 'yes'.......there may be many differences of too, the expression styles of friends may be different............some may be extrovert, some introvert.................introvert doesn't mean, no love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

True friends know all these, and they carry on positives, and they are always true to room for artificiality !!!


We have this habit of playing people against people , for survival. is a common thing in offices.

Unfortunately, many do this in personal and family life.

What people don't know is, such things have no end and thus leads to restlessness within !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Playing politics needs constant distractions from important priorities in life.............causes disappointments.

Thursday 27 September 2012

THE BEAUTY AND CHALLENGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The beauty of being human being is that , we all are different in so many ways , from one another............even the most identical twins !!!

We all look different, our features are different , we have different finger tips , etc. etc......

The difference is the beauty of the human kingdom !!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, the same differences throws up a lot of challenges too......




Because we are unable to have common language, we are unable to understand others, the way they want us to understand them.........................................................

This is the biggest challenge , we the human beings have been 

facing , ever since..................impossible to match individual 

languages !

Wednesday 26 September 2012

WHY, FIGHTING IS NOT WORTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fighting , for no reason is worth.

When we start a fight, our body and muscles goes in to tense mode...........mind too follows this.

A lot of energy is wasted this way, which otherwise, could have been used for constructive purpose.

Assuming we win the fight, we get a bit of satisfaction.....but, we are losing a friend .

Either way we are losing some thing .............

When we win,  we lose a friend !

When we lose, we lose !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

SILENT ADMIRERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all are different in so many ways. There are no two persons , who are the same, even an identical twins.

This is the beauty of life.

But, this difference is a challenge too..........very often, it is frustratingly difficult to get in to the minds of other people.........frustrating, especially when the people involved are our own loving people.

There are many people, who are not very outspoken , when it comes to expressing their love,for their spouse or children.

These type of people allow as much freedom to their spouse and children, as a respect of love.........but, these are misunderstood by others, as not being loving enough !!!

We should try to understand that , people have different ways of loving............every one has a unique way of expressing it.......silent admiration and non-interference in the personal freedom, too is a way of expression !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 24 September 2012


We all have this terrible feeling about failure.

When we carry doubt about this imaginative failure, we lose focus on the job, that we have on hand.

When we lose focus on the job on hand, we under-perform and that becomes a matter of concern and worry.

All that we should do, is to master our assignments, and make big leap in the opportunity , that we have on hand now !


We have opinions about each and every thing, even, when we cannot back it with substantial knowledge !

We do not have the patience to gain knowledge and hence , we pass judgement about every thing and every one.

Our  only intention is to satisfy our ego.

This ego is what creates all confusions and restlessness in life !

Experience is what makes the difference .

Sunday 23 September 2012

DOING OUR BIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have this habit of making complaints and complaints about every thing, from climate to people, whenever convenient.

When we do not want to move from stationary situation, which gives comfort, we do this.

If we do our bit, and focus on that , every happy thing will happen.

But, our priority and focus should only be this !

Lazy dreamers don't want to do it, because , it is like a distraction from dreams, which give them easy pleasure  !!!!

BRING OTHERS DOWN POLICY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lazy and negative people prefer to bring others down because, climbing up need hard work and patience.

These laziness and negativity in the system prevent us from taking positive steps............thinking they take time.

We, at our negative state, do not feel self confident, and take the easy route , that is to bring others down !

Late in life , we repent for our actions !!!

Saturday 22 September 2012

THE GREATEST WAY TO GIVE SUPPORT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all need to feel, being supported............doesn't  matter where it comes from.

Even, mentally the strongest, may have this desire, to feel it !

The feeling of being supported, makes us the happiest, because, we feel the most secured and satisfied in life at that time.

The very thought of support, available, makes us more cheerful and positive , leading to live with convictions.

The simplest way to give support is , '' loving others unconditionally ''.

Love doesn't happen with conditions because, it is not a commercial deal !!!

'' As charity begins at home '', love should begin at home !!!

Friday 21 September 2012

URGE TO PROVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People, who are uncomfortable within, always have this urge to prove about themselves.

They run around , where they can find opportunities and people to prove themselves.

They live a restless life.

People , who feel worthy about themselves, live a calm, content life..........focusing on their improvements only . They would be happy to contribute, silently to others , if possible.

Thursday 20 September 2012

SURVIVAL AT ANY COST.........................

Human beings, animals, birds, all want to survive..........that has to be so.

Human beings have options...............broadly, positive or negative.

Many opt for negative options , thinking that, it is easy that way.

There are very few positive people , who do not think about survival . They think broadly about the universe and want to contribute .

In fact, the world survives because of these very few , positive people.

Unfortunately , negative people think that they are smarter than others and all that they do is right !!!

Wednesday 19 September 2012


Complete compatibility is difficult.

This is due to the difference in exposure of minds !

Unless two persons reach such a high level of mind, where there is no room for any negative feelings, compatibility problem will continue to happen.

The only way to reach where we want, is by having positive approach, to take our mind to the highest level , where every thing is processed with ultimate maturity and understanding !!

Tuesday 18 September 2012

COMMONSENSE , THE SAVIOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Commonsense helps us to lead a rationale life.

It helps us to see the world a lot positive way !

It has to be developed or acquired , by self.

We can develop commonsense, if only we focus on our own life and the experience from life.

If our focus is on others, that too with intentions to criticise , we miss the opportunity to improve ourselves.

Those who lack commonsense do not know how they miss them !!!

Monday 17 September 2012


We should forgive ourselves first !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why ?

Because, most of our problems are created by ourselves, though we see it otherwise.

More often our problems are due to our negative perceptions and wrong processing of others talk/actions, which lead to wrong judgements !!!

Also, due to our actions provoking others to react in a way that might have affected the root cause is our action.

But, we place the blames on others !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Therefore , we need to forget our bad ego, which stands in our   way of accepting our mistakes...............and FORGIVING OURSELVES .

As long as we do not forgive ourselves, we continue to be disturbed by our own mistakes.

Sunday 16 September 2012

THE GREATEST QUALITY THAT ONE SHOULD HAVE.........................................................

We all want peace, satisfaction and happiness.

We need to work a lot, for achieving the above.

Two human minds never match, completely...the views are different, because the minds process information differently !

Desires of two are different.............means differences are normal !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every one has a child in himself/herself, at any age or level of life.

The childishness pops up any time, disturbing the balance.

If we have to be at peace, we need to learn the art of FORGIVING, any one , any time , UNCONDITIONALLY !

Unconditionally means, without hurting own ego and sulking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 15 September 2012

NO TIME FOR POSITIVES , TOO BUSY WITH NEGATIVES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have no time for :-




self improvement



because , we run short of time for more important things in life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


finding fault with others

finding excuses for our lazy life

finding excuses for our past mistakes.

Friday 14 September 2012

BASIC VALUES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We become victims to circumstances, when we do not know our own values !

When we live without the very basic human values, we become weak and vulnerable.  Others may take advantage of our weakness or , we may just be a victim.

We need to know ourselves, what we stand for, our family/society stand for .

Well defined values help us to be strong in our mind.

Thursday 13 September 2012

'' FISH OUT OF WATER,'' FEELING *************************************************

We feel breathless and restless, like ,'a fish out of water', at times in life.

This happens , when we feel that we are not comfortable in situations.

This is due to the feeling that, we do not belong here.

This is when, our negative mind search for easy comforts.

'' We go down the levels, where we will be fully accepted and 



Updating and climbing up is the answer to the above situation.


CLIMBING UP !.  It will settle for less,and that's how we

move with people, who are lower than us in mental levels..........

and we will label it as being ' COOL '.


Wednesday 12 September 2012


We become slaves to circumstances, when we live without the basic human values !!!!!!!!!!!!!

If we have rights, we have responsibilities too !

When we throw the responsibilities in the air for selfish purpose, we live by the circumstances.

Well, we know , where to shift the blames on !!!

' Live with responsibility and carry the basic human values, wherever we go and, whenever we do things in our lives ',if we want to succeed and be happy !!!

Tuesday 11 September 2012

FAKING PERSONALITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We live with different personalities !

We try to project different personality, depending on the circumstances !

We project a personality to outside world, which is totally different from our home.

This changing of personalities, need a lot of adjustments, internally and this frequent change creates internal confusions and conflicts.

This confused personalities, makes it difficult for others to understand us............. and understanding self too !!!!

Monday 10 September 2012


We all feel unhappy , at least , some times .

One main reason for this is ,  we do not focus on what
makes us happy.

When we focus on others, instead, we go through , many different emotions , simultaneously. Handling these many different emotions is not easy.

Focus on things, that brings improvements and prosperity in our life..............and not on others !

Sunday 9 September 2012

TO BE SUCCESSFUL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all want to be successful.

When we feel , things are not working, we look for excuses and blame others and circumstances.This will never take us forward.

All that we should do is ,' whatever is within our control.'

We should look inward and see what we can do. If we do those things , within our control , we will find success.

Finding excuses and looking for things beyond our control, will not help us................. this will help us only to shift our focus !

Saturday 8 September 2012

UNAWARE OF OUR THOUGHTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We, very often live unconsciously !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are not aware of 'what we are thinking and more importantly , why we are thinking so.'

We do not give ourselves enough time to think about options.

So too , we do not give ourselves the time, to think whether

we need to do this or that !

We are very impatient and we make our decisions on impulse,
leading to regrets.

Patience, alone can take us a long way in life !

Use patience and be patient .   Ego works against patience.


Friday 7 September 2012

WE ONLY , ARE OUR OWN ENEMY..NONE ELSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two minds process information in two different ways, always.

This is the reason for, not having agreement in full , with two persons.

This knowledge leads to the fact that, our perceptions are what make the difference.

When we think the other is a friend or a guide or an enemy, all these are as a result of our perceptions.

Negative perception makes others  enemies  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLAYING, 'VICTIM', FOR EASY LIFE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

''No body understands me.''

'' I am like this because of these things, because of these people and because of these incidents, happened to me.''

More than 90% of the population must have played this 'victim' role ,some time or the other in their life.

Very good percentage of people take this as long as possible, because, this way the life becomes easy........can't do because of this.........they try to live on sympathy of others and not on hard work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sad ,  when this is done by talented people !!!!!!!!!!!!!

What we all know is that , we are in control of our thinking process and we can make necessary adjustments to be free of this.

In modern era, where the psychology too is updated, no one can play this role easily.

Only way, that too the easiest , is to wake up and start working hard !!!!!!!!!

Thursday 6 September 2012

FEELING , 'HURT'...............................

The negative words or actions of people hurt our feelings.

When we feel hurt, the dynamics of relationship with the other 

changes for ever.

But, if we understand that the other person is not an expert

to make the comment, we will not feel hurt !!!!

Experts do not pass comments, they ,only try to pass on their

expertise by way of suggestions.

Confident people suggest , do not force any thing on others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This maturity will help us to be free of the negative feeling 

and can save us from distractions in our life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 5 September 2012

CLASH OF INTERESTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clash of interests cause the disharmony in families and organisations.

This happens , when all the members do not know the common theme , with which they have to live !

Royal families had the 'royalty' theme, and none in the family will do any thing, which bring disrepute to the family.

Present generations do not bother about it, they rather do not know the importance of it.... hence, they cause disrepute to the family.

This is the same with all families, in this era !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is a shame that the hard works of older generations are not taken care of !!!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

SILENT SACRIFICES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Parents/old generations, sacrifice a lot for their young generations.

But, the generation , born in comforts never are able to recognize this.......they never had to work for it and hence will never know it.

Rather than recognizing , they try to find fault with the people,who sacrificed and contributed for them.

Modern day schools, too do not teach children about, how generations have evolved to this stage............modern teachers themselves do not know !!!!

This leads, the young ones to live without the minimum of good human qualities.

Hats off to the real teachers who taught us the most required human qualities.

Happy teachers' day !.............India is celebrating ' teachers day today.



BROADCASTING WEAKNESSES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People with low confidence have many misconceptions......

Some teenagers think, smoking and drinking will make others

believe them, to be cool and confident.

This they do it openly and broad cast as if it is a major achievement.

In reality , the crooks take advantage of their weakness !!!

We should be beware of what we are doing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday 2 September 2012

NOT MOTIVATED ??? , NOT TRUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We often hear that , '' I am not motivated ''.

''Self motivation is very difficult, I wish I know, how to motivate myself ''

This is another excuse .

All our actions or inaction are motivated.

When we are not doing any thing, the very same laziness is a sit idle and enjoy the pleasure ,we get from 

Motivations are different , but all are motivated , either to do some thing or not to do any thing at all.

We get pleasure from every thing, and hence, our motivation has to be directed towards more constructive and positive work.
Awareness of negative motivations will help us a lot , to change it ............. it is a matter of our choice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 1 September 2012


We all want to be successful in life. 

But, success has one disadvantage, 'more responsibility'.

This extra responsibility creates fear in our minds , when we 

are low in confidence. This persuade us to skip success and 

sabotage it.

But, our bad ego and false prestige doesn't allow us to express

our real feeling openly.

Here is when , we divert our attention from the priority to 

other unfamiliar field....we want to prove some thing to others.

We mess up our lives this way.......false prestige and bad ego

are the best friends , when we lack confidence.

A bit of awareness about these will help us to get over it

and lead confident , successful life !!!!!!!